Good afternoon,
Now that it is January and we see temperatures dropping, we would like to remind you of the snow day procedure. If school must be shortened or canceled due to severe weather, announcements will be posted on district websites and the school district Facebook account. Additionally, they will be sent out via ParentLink and broadcast before school on the stations listed below. If school must be closed mid-day, this will also be announced on these stations and students will be sent home by their usual mode of transportation. Emergency weather information affecting Bus Routes and times are provided in this link. Late Start Schedule can be found here.
Washington State Healthy Youth Survey 2023
August 22, 2023
We are excited to welcome you to the 2023-24 school year! Teachers start back the 28th, and students’ first day is Thursday, August 31st. With my first year behind me, I can confidently say how proud I am of our school – from amazing academic offerings, to the range of athletics and activities our students participate in, to deep and broad community partnerships, there so many incredible opportunities for our kids. We absolutely have work to do, but we will capitalize on our diverse and talented community, students, and staff, and work to make FHHS an even more remarkable home. We are honored you share your children with us, and we are committed to supporting their growth and development every step of the way. Thank you!
New Student Orientation & Chromebook Exchange: All incoming 9th-grade students and our newly enrolled 10th- through 12th-grade students are invited to school on Wednesday, 8/30. From 10:30 – 12:00, these students will be able to pick up their Chromebooks. 9th-grade students who were in SJISD last year need to bring their Chromebook and charger to exchange for the new ones. In addition, a guardian needs to fill out the Acceptable Use form for their student prior to pickup. Hard copies will be available for parents at the Chromebook Exchange event, but save yourself time by logging into Skyward and filling out this form (and all the others!) in advance of the 30th. From 12:00-1:00, there will be a New Student Orientation that will include a welcome from our student leadership, a school tour, and the chance to meet your teachers and see your classrooms.
New Staff: I am excited to share information on our new, and some returning, staff this fall.
ACTION REQUIRED: Update Information: All families need to log into Skyward/Family Access to fill out/update the 23-24 paperwork. Many required forms are electronic now, making it so simple. Please know that we often use text to communicate important time-sensitive messages with families via text, so accurate cell numbers are essential.
Bell Schedules: Daily bell schedules are attached. School starts at 8:15am and ends at 2:55pm. Students with 0 Period Jazz Band will be responsible for finding their own transportation to school for a 7:15am start, beginning on Tuesday, September 5th. We will continue to have early dismissal Wednesdays, and hope to have an extra bus that will run at 3:00pm so students can access the library and/or other opportunities between 1:40-3:00pm. Stay tuned for more information. Please note the calendar that shows when we have early dismissals, school events, athletic events, conferences, half days, and breaks, etc.
Student Schedules: These are available to view in Skyward/Family Access. There will be continual adjustments made between now and the start of school, so be sure to check on the first day of school. Schedule changes can be requested by emailing our counselor, Hailey Henderson-Paul Please note that our students are registered based on WA State Graduation Requirements and very few schedule changes will be made, unless students are misplaced.
Campus Updates: If you have come past the school at any time in the last month, you will have seen several projects taking shape. At the HS, the art room has been successfully relocated to the STEM (STEAM!) building as well as an emergency plumbing fix down there, the student/staff parking lot has been resurfaced, and the MS art program has moved into the old art room. The MS has a new roof, and the Griffin Bay Annex is in the process of getting a new awning and paint. We are so grateful to the community for the support of our schools!
Important Dates: The FHHS calendar is up-to-date and maintained regularly. Here are a few important dates.
Transportation: District bus routes have not changed. You can find the routes on this page of the district website. Visit à Families à Transportation for this and more transportation information.
Importance of Attendance: Student attendance is closely monitored. Students are expected to be in their classrooms ready to learn when the bell rings. Students who accumulate 3+ tardies will be assigned after-school detention on Mondays, and will miss their associated school activities to do so. Students who accumulate absences (either by period or by full days) will be expected to participate in school-based attendance conferences so we can provide wraparound supports to get students ready to learn every day. School attendance is required by law, for good reason!
Of course, if you’re absent for illness or for school-sponsored events, we have several supports and interventions in place to help students maintain their academics. New this year: if you plan to take your student away on a vacation that will result in 5+ consecutive days absent, you will need to meet with the principal prior to your departure. Here is the pre-arranged absence form, which you need for any planned absence of 3+ days. Please contact the main office or the counselor if you would like to talk about attendance support strategies. Attendance calls go out every afternoon. Please call the Attendance Office (360-370-7110) as soon as you can to excuse your student’s absences.
School Supplies: Each teacher may have a small amount of supplies they request of their students. They will share those in the first few days of school. Students who need financial assistance can let a school office staff member know, and we will help you with their procurement. Students need to come to school daily with their charged Chromebook, school books and materials, and water bottles.
On-Campus Parking: We will issue parking permits for our student drivers again this year. For safety reasons, we will only be issuing parking passes to juniors and seniors. There is no charge, but students register their vehicles with us for emergency purposes. In addition, student drivers will be expected to abide by our parking lot expectations. These will be issued starting Tuesday 9/5.. Student drivers will have until 9/11 to get their vehicles registered. Students are not allowed to access their vehicles during the school day, except for during lunch, without written permission from a staff member. Please review the expectations in the attached form.
Meals & Free/Reduced-Price Meals: Breakfast and lunch are served every school day from our amazing kitchen and Food for Thought program. Information about the menus, meal prices, meal payment, and the free/reduced forms can all be found on the district’s Food Service webpage. We need a new form submitted annually, but only one form is needed per family. Completing the form can help our school and our students in many ways: some academic and participation fees are waived or reduced, college application fees may be waived, our school qualifies for more resources based on our F/R rate, etc. By completing the form, you are helping everyone in our district! Please ensure your student(s) can access these benefits by submitting the appropriate, confidential form. You can drop them in the Main Office here or email them to
After-School Tutoring: Every day after school until 4:30, including Wednesdays, students can come to the library for academic support. The library is closed after school on half days. Students who fall behind academically may be required to stay for support. National Honors Society tutors will be available to help, as well as school support staff.
ASB Cards and Other Fees: All athletes will automatically be charged a $30 ASB fee. The ASB fee allows students to attend all home games free as well as many other functions (ex: dances) at a reduced price. All fines and fees will be posted to Skyward/Family Access. We can accept payment in the form of cash or check in the Main Office during office hours; credit cards are accepted online 24/7.
Student Handbook: The student handbook can be found electronically at this link.
Student-Led Conferences: These will be held in-person this year as scheduled (October and March). Students sign up for their times in their Advisory classes approximately two weeks prior. These are half days with conferences in the PM.
Lockers: FHHS students will be able to request a locker this year with a school-provided lock and combination. Please see Ms. Doran in the main office for your locker sign-up starting Tuesday, September 5th. No lockers will be issued prior to the 5th.
Office Hours: Our Main Office is open every day from 7:30am to 3:30pm. We are happy to process any payments or help you in any way now, or once school is underway. Our office phone is 360-378-5215, and our Office Manager/Registrar, Katie Aiello, can be reached at 360-370-7102.
Quick Links:
I look forward to connecting with all our students and families again soon! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have concerns; I am committed to teaming with students and families to have a rigorous, exciting, inclusive educational experience here at FHHS. We are all looking forward to a successful year for our students.
Go Wolverines!
Andrea Hillman | Principal
360-370-7109 (office)
360-298-8488 (cell)
If you experience difficulty with the accessibility of any web pages or documents on this website, please request this information in an alternate format. You may email the information requests directly to: or call (360) 378-4133.
Address PO Box 458
45 Blair Avenue, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
Phone (360) 378-5215
Fax (360) 378-2647