Phone: 3603785209
Degrees and Certifications:
Ms. Thompson
Hello, thank you for checking out my teacher's page. I will update it as necessary.
The most important thing I'd like you to know about me is that I LOVE children. Ask anybody. I loved the company of kids when I was one myself and was that girl who babysat for everyone.
I studied Early Childhood Development at College of the Redwoods with an emphasis in Children's Literature. I transferred to Humboldt State University where I enrolled my one-year-old daughter in the HSU child-care center where I was involved as a student/mother.
My husband, two children and I moved to Friday Harbor in 1991 where our girls attended FHES and I worked as a screen printer and preschool teacher for Foxglove Preschool. When our girls were grown and on their own, I went back to school and earned my B.S. in Psychology/Child development and later my Washington State Teacher's license in the area of K-8/Special Education.
I have taught 3rd & 2nd grades, and Special Education, K-5 for 9 years. This year I am thrilled to be teaching 2nd graders again and look forward to a great year. I love to write and am in a long-time writer's group. I also love to read, especially children's literature out loud. I am very good friends with math and encourage my students to feel the same way. I love parties and pets and show and tell. I like to create a classroom with my students and am spontaneous and creative. I also prefer order over chaos and systems over confusion and manage to incorporate that into my classroom environment. Please feel free to come to class anytime.
I can't wait to meet you,
Myah Thompson
new to the platform
Posted by:Hi, this is a new platform for me so I am just getting in her to play with it. That's how I learn best, how about you?