Credit Recovery Options
1. Summer school
Students can typically earn .5 to 1.0 credit during summer school
Classes are in-person but use online Edgenuity curriculum
2. Griffin Bay
Student can take 1-2 periods at Griffin Bay during the school year, where they can work as fast as they want through online courses to earn credits faster
3. Extra 0 period / 8 period classes
Students can take some additional classes outside their regular 6 period day.
0 / 8 period classes are Jazz Band, Independent PE, or Play Production
4. Worksite Learning / Internship Credit
Student may earn .5 credit per semester for 180 hours
Must have taken a qualifying CTE class prior to or concurrently
Career Prep, Career Success, Food Foundations, Culinary Arts, Robotics, 3D Design, E/V Principles, and Computer Science are qualifying classes
Hours must occur during the school year (summer hours do not count)
5. Mastery-Based Credit
A student may recover 0.5 English credit following a failed or incomplete English course if the student meets standard on the Smarter Balanced state assessment in ELA
A student may recover 0.5 math credit following a failed or incomplete math course (algebra I or geometry) if the student meets standard on the Smarter Balanced state assessment in math
A student may recover 0.5 science credit following a failed or incomplete science course if the student meets standard on the WCAS state assessment (taken in 11th grade)
A student may earn up to 4.0 credits in World Language if they take the STAMP test and demonstrate proficiency in a language other than English