Skyward Family & Student Access
Find assignments, absences, Food Service account balance/ payments, and other student information at
http://family.sanjuanisland.wa-k12.netPlease Note:
Parent account login ID's are first name + last name (lower case with no spaces). Login ID’s may have a number at the end if there is a duplicate name in the Skyward system.
Student account login ID's are the same as the first part of their email address. (In most cases 5 letters of last name + 3 letters of first name+000)
If you do not remember your password or know your login ID and you have supplied your email address, you may request your account information by clicking on the "Forgot your Login/ Password" link under the Skyward login and entering the email address linked to your account.
Once you have logged in, you may be required to change your password. Your password needs to be at least 7 characters in length, contain at least 1 number (1,2,3 ...) and 1 special character (!,@,# ...).
Parents will need to provide their email address to the school office. If you do not have an email account, we can enter a password for you. Please note that some of the features in Family Access will not function without an email address.
Students will receive account information in class.
If you need further assistance, please email helpdesk@sjisd.org.Skyward Mobile Family & Student Access
New! - To access your Skyward account using a Smartphone or Tablet device please use this link.