Emergency & Safety Resources for All District Staff


    SJISD Emergency Procedures Handbook

    The purpose of the San Juan Island School District Emergency Procedures Handbook is to identify and respond to incidents by outlining the responsibilities and duties of SJISD and its employees. Developing, maintaining, and exercising the plan empowers employees in an incident to act quickly and knowledgeably. In addition, the plan educates staff, faculty, students, and other key stakeholders on their roles and responsibilities before, during, and after an incident. This plan provides parents and other members of the community with assurances that the district has established guidelines and procedures to respond to incidents/hazards in an effective way.

    SJISD Exposure Control Plan

    This Exposure Control Plan (ECP) has been adopted by the school district in order to identify, educate, and protect employees that may have occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens. Adherence to appropriate work practices and utilization of protective equipment within the school environment will help to reduce the potential for transmission of bloodborne pathogens including but not limited to the Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) and the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). General infection control principles and hygiene measures will routinely be followed, such as the practice of universal precautions.


    SJISD Inclement Weather Transportation Information 

    Should weather impact safe transportation of our students and staff, please refer to this document for alternative routes/schedules depending on the level of impact.

Last Modified on August 6, 2024