Safety Training for Staff

  • SafeSchools  SafeSchools

    All staff, substitutes and coaches are required to complete training in SafeSchools annually. In addition to these training mandates, SafeSchools provides many courses related to multiple areas of school safety. To view the list and take these optional courses, simply log into SafeSchools with your username and click on the 'View More Course' button:
    1. Using your web browser, go to the SafeSchools website
    2. Log in with your username "firstnamelastname": 
    3. The courses listed aft logging in are your training mandates. Start any course by clicking on the course name. 
    You can save and return to the course where you left off if unable to complete the course in one sitting.

    Deadlines for Training Mandates

    • Certificated staff: Please complete the training mandates within 30 days of being notified (typically, via email).
    • Classified staff: Please complete the training mandates within 30 days of being notified (typically, via email). We recommend that you use early release days to take the training, whenever possible. However, if you are absolutely unable to take the training during your working hours, please complete the training after hours and add the time on your time sheet.

    Infectious Disease Control Guide for School Staff

    This document at the link below) is provided by the Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to schools in the state of Washington to assist district staff members in their efforts to preserve and protect the health of both students and employees. 

    Infectious Disease Control Guide for School Staff.pdf


Last Modified on August 6, 2024