SJISD District Office Hours:
8:00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday - Friday
For immediate help: call 911 for a life-threatening emergency.
For suicide prevention: Contact the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 (TRS: 1-800-799-4889)
24 Hour Crisis Text Line
Text "GO" to 741-741
Teen Link (Teen Volunteers from 6-10PM) 866-833-6546
San Juan County Mental Health Crisis Services (24 hours a day, 7 days a week) 800-584-3578
Domestic Violence Hotline
Joyce L. Sobel Family Resource Center
476 Market Street
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
National Eating Disorders Association
National Sexual Assault Hotline
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
SAFE San Juans (Domestic Violence / Sexual Assault) 24 Hour Helpline: 360-378-2345
570A Guard Street Friday Harbor, WA 98250
Washington Information Network (Health and Human Services) 2-1-1
WA Recovery HelpLine (Substance Abuse & Mental Health) 866-789-1511
Learn More About RegionalizationDid you know? Despite a legal mandate to increase education funding, Washington State’s support for K-12 schools has dropped from over 50% of the state budget to just 43% in the past five years. With funding failing to keep pace with inflation and a levy lid capping local contributions, our schools are left struggling to meet growing needs. 🎥 Watch this video to learn how regionalization impacts our schools and community. Learn more and take action at
Educational equity is a foundational part of our educational system for every student in our school district. We began this Academic and Student Well-being Recovery Plan by using our equity tool to inform our decisions and planning by anticipating a range of perspectives and needs. Our recovery plans and decisions are made to support equity and inclusion and we support those values.
Our Commitment to Equity
We, as a public education institution, must take time to reflect on our own practices as we seek to create a strong and positive environment for the education of ALL young people as they learn and grow.
San Juan Island School District unequivocally stands for equity, and against racism and bigotry. We must be a part of the solution.
As a reminder to ourselves and to our community, we again share the committee work achieved last fall creating guiding principles that make up our collective Cultural Beliefs.
Our Cultural Beliefs
Engage the Community
I will commit to engaging others in the process, and I will be an active participant in the school community.
I will create safe and productive environments that embrace self-advocacy.
Cultivate Equity
I recognize, value and respect individual needs, identities, cultures, interests and strengths of all.
Provide Opportunities
I will provide opportunities to help you be successful on your path.
Cultivate Global Awareness
I will keep current on global issues and integrate these topics into community conversations and activities.
If you experience difficulty with the accessibility of any web pages or documents on this website, please request this information in an alternate format. You may email the information requests directly to: or call (360) 378-4133.
Address PO Box 458
285 Blair Avenue, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
Phone (360) 378-4133
Fax (360) 378-6276