• Mission Statement 

    The SJISD School Counseling mission is to advocate and educate all students in academic, personal/social and career development in collaborative partnerships with parents/guardians, school personnel, and community members. The SJISD School Counseling program will provide a safe, positive environment for students to build a foundation of life-long learning skills, good citizenship, respect for self and others, and enthusiasm for achieving their highest creative and academic potential.

    Philosophy and Belief Statement

    The School Counselors at SJISD believe:

    Every student

    • has dignity and worth and the right to be served by a comprehensive school counseling program.
    • has the capacity to learn in a safe school environment.
    • deserves the respect for their ethnic background and diversified needs.


    The SJISD School Counseling Program should:

    • Be planned and coordinated by the state-certified master's level school counselors.
    • Engage all students in classroom, group and/or individual activities to enhance student learning.
    • Provide academic, personal/social and career development for every student.
    • Use the Washington School Counselor Program Model to drive the program development and evaluation, and actively monitor student results based on student strengths and needs using data as needed.


    The School Counselors will:

    • Abide by the professional school counseling ethics as advocated by the Washington Educators Professional Code of Ethics.
    • Shall participate in professional development essential to maintain a quality school counseling program.

    Washington State Framework for Comprehensive Guidance and Counseling

    Professional Mental Health Services through the San Juan Island School District

    • Professional mental health services and supports, including mental health assessments and counseling, are available to all students within the geographic region served by the San Juan Island School District (SJISD). Services are offered to public, private and/or home-schooled students and are contingent on available grant funding through San Juan County Health & Community Services.
    • Professional mental health services provided by community mental health therapists are available to students who meet income guidelines, are uninsured, or are underinsured.
    • Compass Health also has an agreement with the SJISD to provide professional mental health assessment and counseling services in the District schools. These services are offered on a space-available basis, and they are not income or insurance dependent.  Please check with the SJISD mental health coordinator (Amara Zee) for availability.    


    If you have concerns about your student's mental and emotional health please contact your school counselor.

    Terra Holmgren

    Amara K. Zee

    Hailey Hendersen-Paul 

    If your child is not currently in our district, but you have concerns, please contact Amara Zee about resources available to all children on our island.