ParentLink and the SJISD Parentlink App
Parentlink is a communication system that San Juan Island School District uses to send messages to families via email, text, voicemail, Facebook, or a free mobile app.It is easy to opt out of any of these types of communication:Emails - There is an 'unsubscribe' link under that main body of the messageTexting - Just reply to the text message with STOPPhone calls - Call 855-502-7867To opt back in if you change your mind:Emails - Contact your school officeText - Just text "START" to 606-80Phone calls - Call 855-502-7867NOTE: MESSAGES SENT OUT IN AN EMERGENCY WILL OVERRIDE ANY "OPT OUTS" THAT HAVE BEEN SELECTED.Parentlink AppThe ParentLink app provides school notifications as well as quick access to school calendar items, the lunch menu, and the staff directory.To download the free app, go to your phone's App Store and search for SJISD. A tutorial may be accessed through this link.Please let us know if you experience any difficulty using the app or receiving messages from your student's school. As a district, we are interested in staying in touch and need to know how that is working for you!For more information, or to report any issues with the Parentlink system of communication, contact your school office.