FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions about Emergency Procedures

  • San Juan Island School District and all individual schools have safety and security plans that contain procedures to be implemented in the event of a natural disaster or man-made emergency situation. These plans have been developed in collaboration with local public safety officials.

    The questions and answers below are intended to give transparancy to these plans and provide you with information you might need in the event of an emergency or crisis situation. If you have a question that is not answered here, please contact the SJISD District Office at (360) 378-4133 for assistance. Thank you!

  • What is emergency preparedness?

  • How will my children know what to do in the event of an emergency?

  • What should parents/guardians do in the event of an emergency?

  • What is a lockdown?

  • What is a lockout?

  • What is a parent-child reunion site?

  • Who can pick up my children?

  • What if my child is a commuter and I can’t pick him/her up?

  • What if my child is riding a school bus at the time of an emergency?

  • How do students and staff respond to an Earthquake?

  • Where are the Earthquake safe areas?

  • What happens if there is Pandemic Flu?