Public Notices - Please click on individual items to expand the section
Contacts for Civil Rights, Title IX, and 504 Complaints
Faith Knight, Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator and Title IX OfficerPO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250(360) 378-4133Becky Bell, Special Services Director, 504 Officer, ADA CoordinatorPO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250(360) 378-4133 -
District Annual "Report Card"
How are we doing?
FERPA (Family Education Rights and Privacy Act)
This is an annual notice of parents/guardians and eligible students rights to inspect and review education records, amend education records, consent to disclose personally identifiable information in education records, and file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education.
Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) school districts may disclose directory information if they have given public notice to parents/guardians and eligible students of what information has been designated as directory information, and when and how parents/guardians and eligible students may opt out of allowing the district to disclose their directory information.
Please see linked form for opting out of several categories of “directory Information’, including the annual “Student Directory” phone book published by the San Juan Island Public Schools Foundation. Look for the FERPA form on our website at https://www.sjisd.wednet.edu/domain/34
Free and Reduced Lunch and Wellness Policy
Free and Reduced Lunch - Depending on income level, a student may have their lunches paid for, or significantly reduced. In addition to free or reduced meals, students will be eligible for certain scholarships, some reduced school fees, and other benefits. The state provides additional assistance to pay for the breakfast of students eligible for reduced-price lunch. More information and application materials are located on our website at https://www.sjisd.wednet.edu/domain/32
Wellness Policy - The district is committed to a safe and healthy education. Policy and Procedure 6700/6700P located on our website at https://www.sjisd.wednet.edu/Page/1491 (use the search) provides more information about the district's wellness policy and procedure.
Gender-Inclusive School
Civil rights laws prohibit discrimination and discriminatory harassment on the basis of gender expression and gender identity in Washington public schools. All students have the right to be treated consistent with their gender identity at school.Policy and Procedure 3211/3211P located on our website here (use the search) provides more information about the district's Gender-Inclusive Schools policy and procedure.The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the Gender-Inclusive Schools policies:Becky Bell, Special Services Director, 504 Officer, ADA Coordinator, Gender-Inclusive Schools CoordinatorPO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250(360) 378-4133
Homeless Students Enrollment Rights and Services (McKinney-Vento Act)
To the extent practical and as required by law, the district will work with homeless students and their families to provide stability in school attendance and other services. See Policy and procedure 3115 and 3115P located here.
Nondiscrimination Policy, Complaint Process, and Statement of Non-discrimination
Policy and Procedure 3210/3210P and Policy and procedure 5010/5010P located on our website here (use the search) provide more information about the district's nondiscrimination policy and procedure and complaint process and procedure.
Statement of Non-discrimination
San Juan Island School District does not discriminate in any programs or activities on the basis of sex, race, creed, religion, color, national origin, age, veteran or military status, sexual orientation, gender expression or identity, disability, or the use of a trained dog guide or service animal and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
The San Juan Island School District offers classes in many career and technical education program areas such as Culinary Arts, Career Prep, STEM and Computer Science under its open admissions policy. For more information about CTE course offerings and admissions criteria, contact CTE Directors, Liz Varvaro, elizabethvarvaro@sjisd.org, PO Box 458, FH, WA, (360) 378-4133. Lack of English language proficiency will not be a barrier to admission and participation in career and technical education programs.
The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:
Faith Knight, Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, Title IX Officer
PO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
(360) 378-4133
Dr. Becky Bell, Special Services Director, 504 Officer, ADA Coordinator, Gender-Inclusive Schools Coordinator
PO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
(360) 378-4133
Fred Woods, Superintendent, Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) Coordinator
PO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
(360) 378-7905
El Distrito Escolar de la Isla de San Juan no discrimina en ningún programa o actividad por motivos de sexo, raza, credo, religión, color, nacionalidad, edad, estado veterano o militar, orientación sexual, expresión o identidad de género, discapacidad o uso. de un perro guía entrenado o un animal de servicio y proporciona acceso equitativo a los Boy Scouts y otros grupos de jóvenes designados.
El Distrito Escolar del Distrito Escolar de la Isla de San Juan ofrece clases en muchas áreas del programa de educación técnica y profesional, como Artes Culinarias, Preparación Profesional, STEM y Ciencias de la Computación bajo su política de admisión abierta. Para obtener más información sobre las ofertas de cursos CTE y los criterios de admisión, comuníquese con los directores de CTE, Liz Varvaro, elizabethvarvaro@sjisd.org, PO Box 458, FH, WA, (360) 378-4133. La falta de dominio del idioma inglés no será una barrera para la admisión y participación en programas de educación técnica y profesional.
Las siguientes personas han sido designadas para attender las consultas relativas a las políticas de no discriminación:
Faith Knight, Coordinador de Cumplimiento de Derechos Civiles, y Ofical de Titulo IX
PO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
(360) 378-4133
Dr. Becky Bell, Directora de Servicios Especiales, y Oficial de 504, ADA Coordinator, Coordinador de escuelas inclusivas de genero
PO Box 458,
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
(360) 378-4133
Fred Woods, Superintendente, Coordinador de Acoso, Intimidación y Bullying (HIB)
PO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250
(360) 378-7905
Pesticide Notification
San Juan Island School District will provide notice of the application of pesticides to school grounds or school facilities at least 48 hours prior to use. More information can be found in Policy 6895 and Procedure 6895P here.
Prohibition of Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying
Our Schools Protect Students from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)
Schools are meant to be safe and inclusive environments where all students are protected from Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB), including in the classroom, on the school bus, in school sports, and during other school activities. This section defines HIB, explains what to do when you see or experience it, and our school’s process for responding to it.
What is HIB?
HIB is any intentional electronic, written, verbal, or physical act of a student that:
- Physically harms another student or damages their property;
- Has the effect of greatly interfering with another student’s education; or,
- Is so severe, persistent, or significant that it creates an intimidating or threatening education environment for other students.
HIB generally involves an observed or perceived power imbalance and is repeated multiple times or is highly likely to be repeated. HIB is not allowed, by law, in our schools.
How can I make a report or complaint about HIB?
Talk to any school staff member (consider starting with whoever you are most comfortable with!). You may use our district’s reporting form to share concerns about HIB (link to form) but reports about HIB can be made in writing or verbally. Your report can made anonymously, if you are uncomfortable revealing your identity, or confidentially if you prefer it not be shared with other students involved with the report. No disciplinary action will be taken against another student based solely on an anonymous or confidential report.
If a staff member is notified of, observes, overhears, or otherwise witnesses HIB, they must take prompt and appropriate action to stop the HIB behavior and to prevent it from happening again. Our district also has a HIB Compliance Officer, Fred Woods fredwoods@sjisd.org, that supports prevention and response to HIB.
What happens after I make a report about HIB?
If you report HIB, school staff must attempt to resolve the concerns. If the concerns are resolved, then no further action may be necessary. However, if you feel that you or someone you know is the victim of unresolved, severe, or persistent HIB that requires further investigation and action, then you should request an official HIB investigation.
Also, the school must take actions to ensure that those who report HIB don’t experience retaliation.
What is the investigation process?
When you report a complaint, the HIB Compliance Officer or staff member leading the investigation must notify the families of the students involved with the complaint and must make sure a prompt and thorough investigation takes place. The investigation must be completed within 5 school days, unless you agree on a different timeline. If your complaint involves circumstances that require a longer investigation, the district will notify you with the anticipated date for their response.
When the investigation is complete, the HIB Compliance Officer or the staff member leading the investigation must provide you with the outcomes of the investigation within 2 school days. This response should include:
- A summary of the results of the investigation
- A determination of whether the HIB is substantiated
- Any corrective measures or remedies needed
- Clear information about how you can appeal the decision
What are the next steps if I disagree with the outcome?
For the student designated as the “targeted student” in a complaint: If you do not agree with the school district’s decision, you may appeal the decision and include any additional information regarding the complaint to the superintendent, or the person assigned to lead the appeal, and then to the school board.
For the student designated as the “aggressor” in a complaint: A student found to be an “aggressor” in a HIB complaint may not appeal the decision of a HIB investigation. They can, however, appeal corrective actions that result from the findings of the HIB investigation.
For more information about the HIB complaint process, including important timelines, please see HIB Policy 3207 and Procedure 3207P here.
Our School Stands Against Discrimination
Discrimination can happen when someone is treated differently or unfairly because they are part of a protected class, including their race, color, national origin, sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, religion, creed, disability, use of a service animal, or veteran or military status.
What is discriminatory harassment?
Discriminatory harassment can include teasing and name-calling; graphic and written statements; or other conduct that may be physically threatening, harmful, or humiliating. Discriminatory harassment happens when the conduct is based on a student’s protected class and is serious enough to create a hostile environment. A hostile environment is created when conduct is so severe, pervasive, or persistent that it limits a student’s ability to participate in, or benefit from, the school’s services, activities, or opportunities.
To review the district’s Nondiscrimination Policy 3210 and Procedure 3210P, visit https://www.sjisd.wednet.edu/site/Default.aspx?PageID=1491.
What is sexual harassment?
Sexual harassment is any unwelcome conduct or communication that is sexual in nature and substantially interferes with a student's educational performance or creates an intimidating or hostile environment. Sexual harassment can also occur when a student is led to believe they must submit to unwelcome sexual conduct or communication to gain something in return, such as a grade or a place on a sports team.
Examples of sexual harassment can include pressuring a person for sexual actions or favors; unwelcome touching of a sexual nature; graphic or written statements of a sexual nature; distributing sexually explicit texts, e-mails, or pictures; making sexual jokes, rumors, or suggestive remarks; and physical violence, including rape and sexual assault. Our schools do not discriminate based on sex and prohibit sex discrimination in all of our education programs and employment, as required by Title IX and state law.
Review the district’s Sexual Harassment Policy 3205 and Procedure 3205P.1 and 3205P.2 here.
What should my school do about discriminatory and sexual harassment?
When a school becomes aware of possible discriminatory or sexual harassment, it must investigate and stop the harassment. The school must address any effects the harassment had on the student at school, including eliminating the hostile environment, and make sure that the harassment does not happen again.
What can I do if I’m concerned about discrimination or harassment?
Talk to a Coordinator or submit a written complaint. You may contact the following school district staff members to report your concerns, ask questions, or learn more about how to resolve your concerns.
Faith Knight, Civil Rights Compliance Coordinator, Title IX OfficerPO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250(360) 378-4133Becky Bell, Special Services Director, 504 Officer, ADA Coordinator, Gender-Inclusive Schools CoordinatorPO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250(360) 378-4133Fred Woods, Superintendent, Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB)CoordinatorPO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250(360) 378-4133To submit a written complaint, describe the conduct or incident that may be discriminatory and send it by mail, fax, email, or hand delivery to the school principal, district superintendent, or civil rights coordinator. Submit the complaint as soon as possible for a prompt investigation, and within one year of the conduct or incident.
What happens after I file a discrimination complaint?
The Civil Rights Coordinator will give you a copy of the school district’s discrimination complaint procedure. The Civil Rights Coordinator must make sure a prompt and thorough investigation takes place. The investigation must be completed within 30 calendar days unless you agree to a different timeline. If your complaint involves exceptional circumstances that require a longer investigation, the Civil Rights Coordinator will notify you in writing with the anticipated date for their response.
When the investigation is complete, the school district superintendent or the staff member leading the investigation will send you a written response. This response will include:
- A summary of the results of the investigation
- A determination of whether the school district failed to comply with civil rights laws
- Any corrective measures or remedies needed
- Notice about how you can appeal the decision
What are the next steps if I disagree with the outcome?
If you do not agree with the outcome of your complaint, you may appeal the decision to the superintendent or his designee by filing a written notice of appeal within 5 school days of receiving the written decision. If you remain dissatisfied after the initial appeal to the superintendent, you may appeal to the school board by filing a written notice of appeal with the secretary of the school board on or before the 5th school day following the date upon which you received the superintendent's written decision, and then to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI). More information about this process, including important timelines, is included in the district’s HIB Procedure (3207P).
I already submitted an HIB complaint – what will my school do?
Harassment, intimidation, or bullying (HIB) can also be discrimination if it's related to a protected class. If you give your school a written report of HIB that involves discrimination or sexual harassment, your school will notify the Civil Rights Coordinator. The school district will investigate the complaint using both the Nondiscrimination Procedure (3210P) and the HIB Procedure (3207P) to fully resolve your complaint.
Who else can help with HIB or Discrimination Concerns?
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)
All reports must start locally at the school or district level. However, OSPI can assist students, families, communities, and school staff with questions about state law, the HIB complaint process, and the discrimination and sexual harassment complaint processes.
OSPI School Safety Center (For questions about harassment, intimidation, and bullying)
- Website: ospi.k12.wa.us/student-success/health-safety/school-safety-center
- Email: schoolsafety@k12.wa.us
- Phone: 360-725-6068
OSPI Equity and Civil Rights Office (For questions about discrimination and sexual harassment)
- Website: ospi.k12.wa.us/policy-funding/equity-and-civil-rights
- Email: equity@k12.wa.us
- Phone: 360-725-6162
Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds (OEO)
The Washington State Governor’s Office of the Education Ombuds works with families, communities, and schools to address problems together so every student can fully participate and thrive in Washington’s K12 public schools. OEO provides informal conflict resolution tools, coaching, facilitation, and training about family, community engagement, and systems advocacy.
- Website: www.oeo.wa.gov
- Email: oeoinfo@gov.wa.gov
- Phone: 1-866-297-2597
U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
The U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces federal nondiscrimination laws in public schools, including those that prohibit discrimination based on sex, race, color, national origin, disability, and age. OCR also has a discrimination complaint process.
- Website: https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/index.html
- Email: orc@ed.gov
- Phone: 800-421-3481
Our School is Gender-Inclusive
In Washington, all students have the right to be treated consistent with their gender identity at school. Our school will:
- Address students by their requested name and pronouns, with or without a legal name change
- Change a student’s gender designation and have their gender accurately reflected in school records
- Allow students to use restrooms and locker rooms that align with their gender identity
- Allow students to participate in sports, physical education courses, field trips, and overnight trips in accordance with their gender identity
- Keep health and education information confidential and private
- Allow students to wear clothing that reflects their gender identity and apply dress codes without regard to a student’s gender or perceived gender
- Protect students from teasing, bullying, or harassment based on their gender or gender identity
Review the district’s Gender-Inclusive Schools Policy 3211 and Procedure 3211P here. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the Gender-Inclusive Schools Coordinator:
Dr. Becky Bell, Special Services Director, 504 Officer, ADA Coordinator, Gender-Inclusive Schools CoordinatorPO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250(360) 378-4133 -
Prohibition of Sexual Harassment and Complaint Process
The district is committed to a positive and productive education free from discrimination, including sexual harassment. This commitment extends to all students involved in academic, educational, extracurricular, athletic, and other programs or activities of the school, whether that program or activity is in a school facility, on school transportation or at a class or school training held elsewhere.
Policy and Procedure 3205/3205P.1 and 3205P.2 located on our website here (use the search) has more information including the complaint process.
Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment
If a district plans to (1) use students’ personal information for selling or marketing purposes; (2) administer any survey about any of the eight topics listed in the statute (political beliefs, income, sex behavior or attitudes, etc.); or (3) administer certain non-emergency, invasive physical examinations, the district must directly notify parents at least annually at the beginning of the school year of the specific or approximate dates when these activities are scheduled or expected to be scheduled and parents will be provided an opportunity to opt their child out of such activities and surveys.
Parents who believe their rights have been violated may file a complaint with: Student Privacy Office • U.S. Department of Education • 400 Maryland Avenue, SW • Washington, D.C. 20202
Public Records Requests
All records maintained by the San Juan Island School District are available for public inspection unless specifically exempted by law.Response to Request
Within five business days of receiving a public records request, we will respond in one of the following ways:- Provide the records
- Provide a reasonable estimate of the time necessary to respond to the request
- Contact the requester to clarify the request
- Deny the request and specify why it was denied
How to Submit a Public Records Request
You may submit a public records request by email, mail, or in person. Please use the Public Records Request form or be sure to include the following information in your request:- Name, address, telephone number, and email address of the requestor;
- Identification of the public records adequate for the Public Records Officer or designee to locate the records; and
- The date the request is submitted to the District.
Or mail it to: San Juan Island School DistrictPO Box 458Friday Harbor, WA 98250Or fax to: (360) 378-6276Or deliver it to: San Juan Island School District Office285 Blair AveFriday Harbor, WA 98250 -
Safe and Drug-free Schools
The San Juan School District is a member of the Safe and Drug Free Schools Consortium through our local education service district, Northwest ESD 189. Our district annually submits a grant application to access federal funding which supports tobacco, drug, and alcohol prevention and intervention services for our students and their families.
U.S. Office of Safe and Healthy Students
The Office of Safe and Healthy Students (OSHS) administers, coordinates, and recommends policy for improving the quality and excellence of programs and activities.
Northwest Education Service Prevention Center
The Purpose of the Prevention Center is to promote student academic success by providing leadership, support, and resources to help them create a safe and supportive learning environment.
Site Disclaimer
The San Juan Island School District (SJISD) Web site is offered as a public service. Information contained within this Web site is collected, maintained and provided for the convenience of the user. Reasonable attempts are made to ensure the reliability, accuracy, completeness and timeliness of the information contained on this Web site, but we cannot guaranty or warrant the accuracy of such information.We welcome comments and suggestions to improve the SJISD Web site and encourage users to report suspected errors for correction. Please direct your comments, suggestions or errors for correction to the webmaster.
Links to other Web sites do not imply endorsement by San Juan Island School District of any particular product, service, organization, company, information provider, or content. -
Statement of Program Accessibility (Section 504)
Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the San Juan Island School District provides students with disabilities an equal opportunity to participate in, and benefit from, the educational services and activities it provides to non-disabled students. Further, School Board Policy 2173 – Education of Students with Disabilities and Program Accessibility for Students, Staff and Visitors ensures that the District’s programs and activities are accessible to persons with disabilities. Persons with concerns about program accessibility should contact the District’s Section 504 office:Fred Woods, SuperintendentPO Box 458Friday Harbor, WA 98250(3600 370-7905Bercky Bell, Special Services Director/ District 504 OfficerPO Box 458, Friday Harbor, WA 98250Phone: (360) 370-7911